(A)   No goods, wares or merchandise displayed on sidewalks, and no fish, vegetable, fruits, candy, or peanut or popcorn stand placed on a sidewalk shall occupy more than three feet thereof and said three feet shall be next to the building and no other part of the sidewalk shall be used for any of the above mentioned purposes, nor shall any sidewalk be obstructed by barrels, boxes or any other thing, nor by articles suspended from signs or awnings.
   (B)   This provision shall not apply to standard gasoline pumps or tanks; but no tank or pump shall be located, erected or maintained on the pavements without the special permission of the Commission obtained at a regular or called meeting. Same shall be erected and maintained according to the regulations ordained by the Commission from time to time.
('79 Code, § 14-29) Penalty, see § 96.99
   Solicitation, see Ch. 119