This subchapter provides the city and its duly authorized representatives the following:
   (A)   The right to enter and inspect construction sites with any land disturbances for the presence of properly installed and functioning erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs) and to assure compliance with the site specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP);
   (B)   The right to review the records of the Permittee and/or his contractor at both on and off-site locations that pertain to the development, installation, maintenance, and operation of the SWPPP; and
   (C)   The right to require modifications to the SWPPP along with the correlating physical placement of the modifications at the site, when in the opinion of the city, the current BMPs are not functioning to the degree necessary to prevent or minimize erosion or to provide proper sediment control. All expense for modifications required by the city shall be born by the permittee and/or their contractor. No expense for proper BMP maintenance or operation shall be borne by the city.
(Ord. 12-52, passed 12-11-12)