(A) The regulations set forth in this subchapter are intended to protect the general health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the city, and more specifically;
(1) Control or eliminate soil erosion and sedimentation resulting from land disturbing activities within the city;
(2) Establish guidelines, conservation practices and planning activities which minimize soil erosion and sedimentation; and
(3) Comply with all applicable state and federal requirements for clean water, including limitations on the discharge of pollutants as set forth by the Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (KPDES); and all applicable provisions of the Federal National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems storm water general permit for Phase II communities.
(B) This subchapter controls land disturbances, soil storage, and erosion and sedimentation resulting from such activities and establishes procedures for issuance, approval, administration, and enforcement of a grading or building permit.
(Ord. 12-52, passed 12-11-12)