(A)   The regulations set forth in this subchapter are intended to protect the general health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the city by establishing a set of water quality and quantity policies to provide reasonable guidance for the regulation of stormwater runoff in all public and private developments for the purpose of preserving local water resources from degradation. This subchapter seeks to meet that purpose through the following objectives:
      (1)   To protect and enhance the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), community waters and waters of the Commonwealth;
      (2)   To maintain after development, as nearly as possible, the predevelopment runoff characteristics, and to reduce stream channel erosion, pollution, siltation and sedimentation, and local flooding;
      (3)   Improve stormwater quality through stormwater management controls and to ensure that these management controls are properly maintained and pose no threat to public safety; and
      (4)   To provide long-term responsibility for and maintenance of stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP).
   (B)   These regulations for stormwater management apply to the development or redevelopment of land for residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional use, but do not apply to agricultural land management practices.
(Ord. 12-51, passed 12-11-12)