§ 53.038 INSPECTION.
   (A)   The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the Superintendent when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. The connection and testing shall be made under the supervision of the Superintendent or his or her representative. All connections shall be made gastight and watertight and verified by proper testing. Any deviation from the prescribed procedures and materials must be approved by the Superintendent before installation.
   (B)   All building sewers shall be smoke tested through the wye branch at the public sewer connection. The public sewer shall be plugged off after connections at both ends are made and after all pipe is properly bedded and backfilled at least to the top of the pipe. If backfill is completed, then the testing shall be done within two weeks after the completion of backfill. At the time of the test, any openings into the building drain inside the building shall be water trapped or plugged. Any leakage of smoke from building sewer or building drain and plumbing shall be located at test and repaired to stand repetition of smoke test without leakage. When smoke testing is completed, the temporary flow line plug shall be removed, the branch extended to the surrounding surface grade level and a permanent water tight cleanout plug shall be placed in the extended branch of the test wye-branch and carefully backfilled by hand and tamped.
(Ord. 95-08, passed 3-7-95; Am. Ord. 11-30, passed 12-13-11; Am. Ord. 13-25, passed 11-12-13)