The Board shall hold not less than one regular meeting each month, on a date fixed by it, but special meetings may be held at any time and any action taken by the Board at a special meeting shall be as effective as if taken at a regular meeting. All meetings, other than special meetings, shall be held at stated times, and all meetings of the Board shall be held either in the Richmond Utilities Board office, where the Board shall continue to maintain its headquarters and offices, or a location decided by the Board, as the Board by order of record may determine. The Board shall keep a complete record of its proceedings and shall enter upon its journal the yeas and nays upon the passage or rejection of every resolution or order. The Board shall appoint some competent person, other than one of its members, to act as its secretary, who shall be required to give bond with corporate surety in a penal sum of not less than $5,000 to ensure the faithful performance of his duties, the premium on said bond to be paid by the Board out of any unallocated funds in its hands. The Utility Board billings and collection officer shall be treasurer of the Board, and the certified public accountants shall be employed by the City Commission to make yearly audits of its records and accounts and copies of the reports of said audits shall be transmitted by the secretary of the Board to the Board of Commissioners.
('79 Code, § 19-19) (Ord. A-106, passed 11-29-54; Am. Ord. 03-27, passed 6-17-03; Am. Ord. 08-23, passed 7-22-08 )