§ 35.152 MEETINGS.
   (A)   The Board shall designate a member to act as chairman to preside over the meetings. The presence at a meeting of the Board of any three members shall constitute a quorum. The chairman or any two members may call a special meeting. The Board may appoint from its membership such other officers as it may deem necessary for the orderly transaction of its business.
   (B)   The Board shall conduct meetings at the call of the chairman, who shall give written notice of all called meetings to all members of the Board at least five days prior to the meeting, which notice shall contain the date, time and place for the meeting, and the subject(s) which will be discussed. Public notices of all meetings of the Board shall be advertised in the manner required by applicable law. All meetings shall be open to the public.
   (C)   A member having a financial interest in the outcome of any matter before the Board shall disclose the nature of the interest and shall disqualify himself or herself from voting on the question and shall not be counted for purposes of a quorum as to such questions. A simple majority of all members present where there is a properly constituted quorum shall be necessary to transact any official business.
(Ord. 03-44, passed 8-26-03)