General Provisions
   33.01   Countersigned by a designated officer of town
   33.02   Disposal of certain surplus property
   33.15   Disbursement of funds
   33.16   Purchasing agent
   33.17   Purchase order
   All checks and drafts issued by the town, regardless of amount, must be signed by the Town Clerk, and countersigned by the Mayor, the Town Administrator or a designated Alderman.
(1987 Code, § 2-4-41)
Statutory reference:
   Dual signatures on check, see G.S. § 159-25
   (A)   The Town Administrator is hereby authorized to dispose of any surplus personal property owned by the town, whenever he or she determines, in his or her discretion, that:
      (1)   Each individual item has a fair market value of less than $1,000;
      (2)   The property is no longer necessary for the conduct of public business; and
      (3)   Sound property management principles and financial considerations indicate that the interests of the town would best be served by disposing of the property.
   (B)   The Town Administrator may dispose of any such surplus personal property by any means which he or she judges reasonably calculated to yield the highest attainable price in money or other consideration, including, but not limited to, the methods of sale provided in G.S. Ch. 160A, Art. 12. Such sale may be public or private, and with or without notice and minimum waiting period.
   (C)   The surplus property shall be sold to the party who tenders the highest offer, or exchanged for any property or services useful to the town if greater value may be obtained in that manner, and the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to execute and deliver any applicable title documents. If no offers are received within a reasonable time, the Town Administrator may retain the property, obtain any reasonably available salvage value or cause it to be disposed of as waste material. No surplus property may be donated to any individual or organization, except by resolution of the Board of Aldermen.
   (D)   The Town Administrator shall keep a record of all property sold under authority of this section and that record shall generally describe the property sold or exchanged, to whom it was sold, or with whom exchanged, and the amount of money or other consideration received for each sale or exchange.
   (E)   This section is enacted pursuant to the provisions of G.S. § 160A-266(c).
   (F)   This section shall become effective on August 11, 1998.
(1987 Code, § 2-4-43) (Ord. passed 8-11-1998)
   (A)   In accordance with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, no bill or claim against the town may be paid unless it has been approved by the officer or employee responsible for the function or agency to which the expense is charged. No check or draft of the town shall be valid unless it bears on its face the certificate of the Finance Officer as follows: “This disbursement has been approved as required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.”
   (B)   No contract, agreement or purchase order shall be valid unless it bears the Finance Officer’s certificate as follows: “This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act.”
   (C)   Except as otherwise provided by law, all checks or drafts on an official depository shall be signed by the Finance Director and countersigned by the Town Administrator or another official of the town designated for this purpose by the Board of Aldermen.
(1987 Code, § 2-4-01)
Statutory reference:
   Preaudit of disbursements required, see G.S. § 159-28
   The Town Administrator shall serve as purchasing agent and as such shall:
   (A)   Make or approve all purchases of material, equipment and supplies authorized by the Board at the most favorable price for the town and shall see that the material, equipment and supplies delivered are correct in number or amount and comply with the standards and specifications agreed to at the time of purchase;
   (B)   Establish sets of standards and specifications to control purchases by the town;
   (C)   Prepare and publish specifications and notices to bidders;
   (D)   Prepare standardized purchasing manual as a guide to all purchases made by the town;
   (E)   Advise the Board as to anticipated needs for purchases and make purchases in advance of needs as authorized by the Board;
   (F)   Store material, equipment and supplies in advance of actual need;
   (G)   Keep records of all purchases made by him or her and of the destination or ultimate use of the material, equipment and supplies; and
   (H)   Cause to be kept an inventory of all municipal property in the custody of the other officers and employees of the town.
(1987 Code, § 2-4-02)
Statutory reference:
   Public purchasing and contracts generally, see G.S. §§ 143-129 et seq.