In cases when, because of weather conditions or other factors beyond the control of the zoning permit recipient (exclusive of financial hardship), it would be unreasonable to require the zoning permit recipient to comply with all of the requirements of this chapter prior to commencing the intended use of the property or occupying any buildings, the Zoning Administrator may notify the Building Inspector that the applicant may be allowed to commence the intended use or the occupancy of buildings (insofar as the requirements of this chapter are concerned) if the permit recipient provides a performance bond, cash funds, letter of credit, real estate of equal value or other security satisfactory to the Administrator to ensure that all of the requirements of this chapter will be fulfilled within a reasonable period (not to exceed 12 months). In general, satisfactory security shall be reasonably liquid and shall equal 120% of the value of the improvements. Final authorization to issue a certificate of occupancy or commence the use of a property rests with the Building Inspector.
(Ord. passed 4-9-2013; Ord. 2021-03, passed 6-8-2021)