(A)    Places of worship, churches and religious institutions are permitted in any residential zoning district in the town unless otherwise regulated by this chapter. However, no place of worship, church or religious institution shall be permitted to be located in any pre-existing storefront buildings located in the C-1 Commercial District.
   (B)   Moreover, places of worship located in zoning classifications other than the town's C-1 and C-2 Commercial Districts shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)   Height limitations of the zone in which it is located shall be observed; provided, however, the spire, belfry or other similar architectural features are exempt.
      (2)   The parking requirements of §§ 153.205 through 153.217 shall be observed.
      (3)   Open space and planting requirements shall be in accordance with § 153.160 governing non- residential developments.
      (4)   Required setbacks shall be: front yard, 35 feet; side yards (each), 25 feet; rear yard, 25 feet. No parking shall be located in front yards. Inside and rear yards, parking shall not be in any area required for a setback unless densely planted buffer strips or other fencing is installed to protect abutting property from noise, dust, glare of lights and other nuisances; then parking may be permitted, but no closer than ten feet to the property line.
      (5)   Places of worship located within a residential zoning district shall be permitted a maximum sign surface area of 32 square feet. In the case of freestanding signs in a residential zoning district, said signs shall not exceed a height of ten feet. Signs for places of worship found in a commercial zoning district shall be the same as prescribed in that particular zoning district as outlined in §§ 153.180 through 153.192.
      (6)   Places of worship shall install a semi-opaque screen, as defined in § 153.233, along all property lines that abut residential properties.
(Ord. passed 4-9-2013; Ord. 2021-03, passed 6-8-2021)