   Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an animal that cannot be seized by reasonable and normal means, retrieved by an Animal Control Officer, trapped in a humane, live-capture animal trap or tranquilized by Animal Control, may be humanely destroyed in the field upon the authorization of the Animal Control Supervisor.
(1987 Code, § 8-2-13) (Ord. passed 2-8-2005)
   An Animal Control Officer is authorized to place, upon request, live animal traps on private or public property to trap and remove stray, at large, unwanted or nuisance animals, including cats. It is unlawful for any person other than an Animal Control Officer to remove any animal from the trap, or to damage, destroy, move or tamper with the trap. Animal Control is authorized to receive and impound animals that are trapped by other agencies or persons within the county.
(1987 Code, § 8-2-14) (Ord. passed 2-8-2005) Penalty, see § 94.99
   It shall be the duty of Animal Control to seize and impound, subject to the provisions of this chapter, all animals, whether domesticated or non-domesticated, found in violation of the provisions of this chapter whether such animal shall be in the immediate custody of its owner or otherwise.
   (A)   Each animal impounded shall be identified by permanent records which indicate: date of impoundment, reason for impoundment, sex, color, general description, breed, method of acquisition, identification marks and note the presence of tattoos.
   (B)   For any animal impounded which can be traced to its legal owner, the owner will be notified that the animal is in custody of the Animal Control. Upon payment of the current impoundment fee and daily maintenance fee, the animal shall be returned to its owner unless otherwise so provided for by the owner in writing. However, the payment of such impoundment fees shall not bar the imposition of any fine, which may be imposed for the violations of this chapter.
   (C)   Animal Control Officers are hereby authorized to enter upon any unfenced/fenced lot, tract or parcel of land for the purpose of seizing and impounding any animal found thereon in violation of this chapter.
   (D)   Any animal which cannot be traced to its legal owner may, after a minimum detainment of five days be placed in an adoptive status. No live animal may be released from the shelter either for sale or for donation, to research laboratories or related facilities, as breeding stock for puppy mills or wholesales for further resale for use in any illegal entrapment or fighting, or for human consumption. A permanent record describing the final disposition of an animal, date, names and addresses where applicable, and subsequent fees paid shall be kept at all times.
   (E)   When an animal is presented by an Animal Control Officer to an attending veterinarian and when in the professional judgment of that attending veterinarian the animal should be humanely euthanized because it is suffering from disease and or injury, then the attending veterinarian in taking action to euthanize the animal shall be acting as an agent for the county and shall not be held professionally liable for his or her decision to euthanize.
   (F)   If the owner of any animal impounded under this chapter shall fail to redeem his or her animal within the time allowed for redemption, any other person may, upon complying with all provisions of this chapter adopt the animal from the shelter and be the lawful owner of the animal thereafter.
(1987 Code, § 8-2-15) (Ord. passed 2-8-2005)