Sec. 5-4. Community Cat Diversion Program.
   (a)   Purpose. It is the intent of this section to create a Community Cat Diversion Program ("Program") within Richland County in order to reduce cat overpopulation in an effective and human way by using the trap, neuter, and return (TNR) method.
   (b)   Scope. This section shall apply only to healthy free roaming and community cats. Well socialized, friendly, or abandoned house pets do not qualify for the Program as they depend on humans for survival. The Superintendent of Animal Services, or his/her designee, shall make the decision as to whether a cat qualifies for the Program.
   (c)   Procedures.
   (1)   Any community cat either trapped or seized by an Animal Care Officer or turned into the animal care facility by a citizen shall be:
      a.   Assessed by a veterinarian to determine the condition of health;
      b.   Spayed or neutered, as needed;
      c.   Vaccinated for rabies, feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia; and;
      d.   Ear-tipped for identification.
   (2)   All cats entering the animal care facility shall be immediately assessed for Program qualification; those unqualified shall be processed in accordance with this chapter.
   (3)   Any community cat entering the Program shall be returned on the third day after spay/neutering, or as soon as practicable thereafter, to the area where it was trapped or seized. Any community cat which meets all the requirements in subsection (c)(1), above, that is trapped, seized, or brought to the animal care facility may be immediately be returned to the property owner's address, unless the property owner or caretaker request the cat not be returned to their address. In these cases, the cat is returned to the known community/home territory from where it was found or trapped.
   (4)   The county shall have no liability for cats in the Program.
   (5)   Community cats are exempt from licensing and related fees.
   (6)   The Animal Care Division shall prepare educational materials about the Program to be included on the county website, as well as educational flyers to be available at the animal care facility and to each citizen turning in a seized or trapped cat, or citizen inquiring about the Program.
(Ord. No. 019-17HR, § 1, 5-2-2017; Ord. No. 022-18HR, § I, 5-1-18)