(a)   The following fee, per person, per call, for services rendered by the Village of Richfield to individuals transported to a medical facility shall be as follows:
      (1)   Emergency Transport (Basic Life Support) $850.00
      (2)   Advanced Emergency Transport (Advanced Life Support (ALS) $1,000.00.
      (3)   Advanced Emergency Transport (Advanced Life Support 2 (ALS2) $1,200.00.
      (4)   Mileage at $16.00 per loaded mile.
      (5)   Non-Transport $300.00.
         (Ord. 76-2022. Passed 12-14-22.)
   (b)   This fee shall be charged to individuals who receive the services listed above, or those financially responsible for those individuals.
   (c)   Residents of Richfield Village, Richfield Township and individuals who regularly work in the Village and pay income taxes to the Village through employee withholding will not be billed for any amount in excess of the amount paid to the Village by their insurance carrier.
   (d)   Any government agency calling for mutual aid assistance shall be exempt from this fee if such government agency does not charge a similar fee for a similar service. If the Richfield Emergency Medical Service responds to a mutual aid call for an agency charging for emergency medical service, the Village of Richfield shall endeavor to collect the fee charged by the requesting agency from that agency.
   (e)   The Finance Director is authorized to bill the insurance company, if any, of the person directly and establish billing procedures to carry out the intent of this section.
   (f)   The funds collected pursuant to this section shall be utilized for apparatus, equipment, facilities, operations and Fire Department capital improvements.
(Ord. 32-2005. Passed 6-7-05.)