Temporary buildings or structures for uses incidental to construction work for public improvement projects may be erected within the district(s) in which the work is taking place. The exact location of said temporary buildings or structures is subject to the approval of the Zoning Inspector. However, such temporary buildings or structures shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work.
Portable storage containers are prohibited in all residential Zoning Districts except: (a) during active construction on a residential property, three (3) portable storage containers may be placed on the property where construction is taking place during the first sixty (60) days of active construction; and (b) when someone is moving in or out of a residential property, three (3) temporary storage containers may be placed on the residential property for a period of no more than ten (10) days, unless otherwise authorized by the Director of Planning and Zoning.
A zoning certificate is required before any portable storage container can be placed in a residential Zoning District under subsection (a) or (b).
In non-residential districts, three (3) portable storage containers may be placed on a property as a non-permanent accessory use solely to provide temporary storage during the duration of an active construction project taking place on the same property, adjacent property under common ownership, or on municipally owned land. If more than three (3) portable storage containers are needed, approval of the request for additional storage containers must be made during the development plan review process with Planning Commission. The portable storage container(s) shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work.
For the avoidance of doubt, a portable storage container is prohibited as a permanent accessory storage structure or building everywhere in the Village.
(Ord. 48-2023. Passed 9-5-23.)