(a)   Auditoriums, Stadiums, Concert Halls, Theaters Spectator Sports and Similar Uses: one for each four seats based on maximum seating capacity.
   (b)   Places of Worship and School Auditoriums: one for each four seats in the principal auditorium, based on maximum seating capacity.
   (c)    Clubs and Lodges: one per 150 square feet, or fraction thereof, of floor area, or one for each three seating spaces in the assembly room.
   (d)    Dwellings.
      (1)   Single-family dwellings, in RR, R-1 and R-2 Districts, two spaces for each dwelling, one of which shall be in an enclosed structure.
      (2)   Single-family detached and single-family attached in R-3 and R-4 Districts, two spaces for each dwelling unit of which one space shall be in an enclosed structure.
      (3)   Multifamily dwellings of two spaces per dwelling unit of which one space shall be in an enclosed structure.
   (e)    Hospitals: two and one half spaces per bed.
   (f)    Hotels, Motels, and Tourist Homes: one parking space for each sleeping room plus one space for each employee.
   (g)    Medical and Dental Offices and Clinics: five spaces for each physician or dentist, plus one for each employee.
   (h)    Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities: one space for each three beds plus one space per employee on the two largest successive shifts.
   (i)   Restaurants: one space for each two seats plus one space for each employee.
   (j)    Retail Stores and Personal Service Shops, Etc: one space for each 250 sq. ft. of usable floor area.
   (k)    Indoor Theatres: one space for each three seats.
   (l)   Libraries and Museums: one space for each 500 square feet of usable floor area.
   (m)   Automobile Repair Garages: one space for each employee, plus one space for each 500 sq. ft. of floor area.
   (n)   Drive-In Carry Out Restaurants: ten spaces in addition to the number of spaces required for restaurants.
   (o)   Personal Services (Beauty, Barber, etc.): two spaces plus one and one-half for each station.
   (p)   Business and Professional Offices: one space for each employee or one space for each additional 250 sq. ft. whichever is greater.
   (q)   Banks and Studios: one space for each 250 sq. ft. of floor area.
   (r)   Research and Development Laboratory; Light Manufacturing: one space for each motor vehicle maintained on the premises; and sufficient spaces for anticipated visitors; and one space for each 1.5 employees of the two largest successive shifts, or one space for every 300 sq. ft. of building floor area, whichever is greater.
(Ord. 25-2011. Passed 9-20-11.)