(a) Regulations in this section pertain only to those suggested conditionally permitted uses as specifically referenced. The regulations are listed in this section for ease of reference and to avoid duplication as they may apply to more than one use.
(b) During review of a permit application, the Commission may incorporate the regulations listed in this section that it determines appropriate for the proposed use:
(1) All structures and activity areas should be located at least 100 feet from all property lines.
(2) Loudspeakers, which cause a hazard or annoyance, shall not be permitted.
(3) All points of entrance or exit should be located no closer than 200 feet from the intersection of two major thoroughfares, or no closer than 100 feet from the intersection of a major thoroughfare and a local street or collector road.
(4) No lighting shall constitute a nuisance or in any way impair safe movement of traffic on any street or highway; no lighting shall shine directly on adjacent properties.
(5) Such development should be located on major thoroughfares or at intersections of major thoroughfares and/or collector streets.
(6) Such development should be located adjacent to non-residential uses, such as places of worship, parks or industrial or commercial districts.
(7) Site locations should be preferred that offer natural or man-made barriers that would lessen the effect of intrusion into a residential area.
(8) Such uses should be properly landscaped to be compatible with surrounding residential uses.
(9) Truck routes shall be established for movement in and out of the development in such a way that it will minimize the wear on public streets and proven hazards and damage to other properties in the community.
(10) Truck parking areas, maneuvering lanes and access ways to public streets shall be designed to cause no interference with the safe and convenient movement of automobile and pedestrian traffic on and adjacent to the site. The site shall not be used for the storage of trucks, and truck parking shall be limited to a time not to exceed 24 hours.
(11) Trucking terminals shall be permitted in the Industrial District only upon compliance with the following provisions of this section and conditions deemed by the Commission to be necessary for the promotion of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare, and the approval by the Commission of a site plan of the proposed development:
A. Every portion of the property used for buildings shall be located no closer than 100 feet to any R-District; at least 50 feet (nearest the residential zone) of the 100 feet shall be landscaped in an orderly fashion and a solid board fence, masonry wall or other type of fence approved by the Commission shall be constructed along the interior line of the required landscaped area to a height of six feet, effectively screening truck loading, unloading and maneuvering activities from the view of any abutting R-District.
B. Access for motor freight vehicles shall be by way of streets of adequate width, construction and existing or planned function according to the Land Use and Thoroughfare Plan.
C. In addition to adequate area within the site for docking, manipulation and maneuvering of motor freight vehicles waiting to be loaded or unloaded, additional space shall be provided at the rate of parking space sufficient to park a motor freight vehicle for every four loading docks.
D. The site shall be designed in such a manner as to permit foreword movement of all vehicles both upon entering and upon leaving the site.
E. The number, location and width of entrances to and exits from the site shall be determined by the Commission, which may obtain expert opinion on the specific site proposal.
(12) All above ground storage of flammable materials shall be located not less than 100 feet from the nearest property line; a fence at least six feet in height with a gate that locks shall be constructed completely surrounding the storage facilities and the site shall be graded and ditches shall be provided to prevent the possible spread of flammable liquids beyond the site should leakage occur.
(13) Automotive service stations shall be permitted under the following conditions:
A. All activities, except those required to be performed at fuel pumps, shall be carried on inside a building. If work is performed on a vehicle, such work shall be performed entirely within a building.
B. No more than two driveway approaches shall be permitted directly from any thoroughfare and they shall not exceed 30 feet in width at the street right of way.
C. If the property fronts on two or more streets, the driveways shall be located as far from the street intersections as is practical.
(Ord. 25-2011. Passed 9-20-11.)
(14) Shooting range (indoor) subject to the following:
A. The proposed use shall not generate excessive noise beyond the premises. Planning Commission may require noise reduction measures to assure that the level of noise is no more than the prevailing noise levels of permitted uses in the District. Acceptable levels of noise or sound can be found in the most recent edition of “The NRA Range Source Book”.
B. Buildings in which indoor shooting ranges are provided shall be located a minimum of 200 feet from an adjacent residential structure or be oriented to sufficiently direct sound away from an adjacent residential district.
C. The hours of operation may be limited by the Commission but in no case shall such uses operate any earlier than 7:00 a.m. and no later than 11:00 p.m.
D. A readable sign subject to the Village’s sign regulations shall be displayed at the main entrance identifying the establishment as an indoor shooting range.
E. A safety plan shall be submitted to the Commission and conditioned with any approved application. At a minimum, the safety plan must include gun handling rules, general and specific range rules, and administrative rules and regulations. Approved firearms safety rules shall be prominently displayed in the shooting area and range personnel must be responsible for enforcing the rules.
F. The shooting range shall comply with all applicable federal and state rules and regulations. Moreover, the use and building shall conform with all applicable Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and OSHA standards for indoor ventilation, emissions into the atmosphere, indoor sound levels, lead containment and outside noise standards.
G. The design and construction of the shooting range shall completely confine all fired projectiles within the building and in a controlled manner.
H. The design of the shooting range shall be certified by a professional engineer and/or architect registered in the state. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet traps, ceilings, exterior and interior walls, and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to completely confine. No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the firing range.
I. If retail sale and repair of weapons and/or ammunition is conducted on the premises, the management shall comply with all licensing and operations requirements of the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Retail sales of weapons, ammunition and food/drinks shall not exceed 10% of the gross floor area dedicated to the indoor shooting range use.
J. The permittee shall be required to carry a minimum of $1,000,000 of liability insurance. Such insurance shall name the Village of Richfield as an additional insured party and shall save and hold Richfield Village, its elected and appointed officials, and employees acting within the scope of their duties harmless from and against all claims, demands, and causes of action of any kind or character, including the cost of defense thereof, arising in favor of a person or group’s members or employees or third parties on account of any property damage or personal injury arising out of the
acts or omissions of the permittee, his/her group, club, or its agents or representatives. The range owner shall provide a copy of the certificate of insurance yearly to the Planning and Zoning Department and notify the Village Finance Director and Mayor in writing of any policy changes or lapses in coverage.
K. The Planning Commission and Village Council reserve the right to review or modify the performance standards for the shooting range.
L. Any violation of these regulations for an approved permit shall constitute a nuisance and as such a blighting condition on the property and/or the surrounding neighborhood. Any violation of these standards may result in the conditional zoning approval being revoked after a hearing by the Planning Commission.
M. Outdoor lighting, off-street parking and landscaping shall comply with all applicable Village ordinances.
N. A site plan illustrating compliance with the standards shall be provided to the Village in connection with a conditional use permit application. The site plan shall be drawn to an acceptable scale such as one-inch equals 50 feet.
(Res. 28-2018. Passed 6-26-18.)
(15) When an accessory building or accessory is proposed to be established on a lot with an established main use in an Industrial District that is adjacent to another lot in the same ownership, the following additional conditions shall be applied to and/or placed on any conditional use approval by the Commission:
A. The accessory building or accessory use shall comply with all setback, square footage, height, and imperious surface coverage regulations of the zoning district in which the accessory building or accessory use is to be located;
B. The accessory building or accessory use may be permitted on an adjacent lot in the same ownership that is in a Commercial District if the Commission finds that: (i) it is an accessory building or use that would be customarily used with, and clearly incidental and subordinate to, the main use of land or building on the lot in the Industrial District; and (ii) is compatible with the main use of land and/or building on that lot;
C. The accessory building or accessory use shall not be located on any adjacent lot in a Residential District; and
D. The accessory building shall be compatible in design and materials with the main building on the lot.
(Ord. 5-2020. Passed 3-11-20.)