Upon approval of a preliminary development plan, the developer shall prepare and submit a final development plan(s) to the Commission. Upon receipt of a final development plan, the Zoning Inspector shall transmit a copy of the final development plan, including detailed construction plans and specifications, to the Village Departments and to the Village Engineer and other Village consultants for their reviews, reports and recommendations. The final development plan shall incorporate agreed upon revisions of the preliminary development plan and shall include all the information contained in the preliminary plan and in addition shall include the following:
   (a)    Survey. A survey of the property by a registered surveyor showing topography at one foot intervals, land owned and proposed for development, adjoining lots, easements, required riparian corridors, and location of oil and gas wells.
   (b)    Buildings. The final design, dimensions, materials, and colors of the existing/proposed main and accessory buildings.
   (c)    Traffic. Methods for control of traffic; width and location of access drives; type of pavement and curbing.
   (d)    Parking Areas. The number of spaces; type of pavement.
   (e)    Utilities. The location, size and grade for all utility installations and connections to present or proposed facilities.
   (f)    Signs. The type of illumination, materials, colors and contents of all signs to be placed on the property.
   (g)    Grading and Erosion Control Plan Final Plan by a registered professional.
   (h)    Landscaping Plan. Location, number and size of plant materials, their scientific and common names.
   (i)    Exterior Lighting Plan. Location and height of all exterior fixtures; distribution of proposed lighting levels (foot candles) at finished grade; fixture catalog numbers and shop drawings.
   (j)   Drainage. Drainage and retention systems with engineering documents and calculations as required by the Village Engineer.
   (k)   Floor Plans and Exterior Building Elevations. Floor plans and exterior building elevations at a scale legible and clear on a sheet not less than 24"x 36" showing existing and proposed uses; one building elevation shall be in color.
   (l)   Agreements. Preliminary drafts of all agreements, contracts, additions, deed restrictions, easements, sureties and other instruments as may be required.
   (m)   Additional Information. Additional information may be required for the Commission to make an informed decision.
      (Ord. 25-2011. Passed 9-20-11.)