A preliminary development plan shall be drawn at a scale of not less than 50 feet to one inch and shall include the following:
   (a)    Property Map. An accurate map of the property showing land owned and proposed for development; adjoining lots, location of oil and gas wells, existing improvements and utilities, easements, zoning on subject property and on adjoining properties and nearest buildings on adjacent properties.
   (b)    Topography. Contours at two-foot intervals as shown on current GIS maps of the Summit County Engineer for the subject property and for adjoining parcels.
   (c)    Buildings. The location, area, height, use and preliminary design, materials and colors of all existing and proposed main and accessory buildings.
   (d)    Preliminary grading and erosion control plan prepared by a registered professional.
   (e)    Traffic. The proposed system of on-site vehicular circulation, and locations of access drives.
    (f)    Parking Areas. The layout and estimate of the number of spaces; distances from parking areas and drives to property lines, existing and proposed buildings and public rights-of-way.
   (g)    Signs. The location, size, and height, of all signs to be placed on the property.
   (h)    Landscaping. The location, and size of areas to be landscaped.
   (i)    Storm Water Retention. Location and area of proposed storm water detention/retention areas. The Village may require preliminary volume calculations and grading.
   (j)    Riparian Setbacks. Location and extent of riparian setbacks as required by ordinance on the subject property.
   (k)    Utilities. A conceptual layout of water lines, sanitary sewers and storm sewers.
   (l)    Agreements. Preliminary drafts of all agreements, contracts, dedications, deed restrictions, easements, sureties and other instruments as may be required.
   (m)    Additional Information. Additional information may be required for the Commission to make an informed decision.
      (Ord. 25-2011. Passed 9-20-11.)