Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 1509.39 and in order to insure continuing compliance with the health and safety standards as are set forth above during the life of all wells to be drilled within the Village limits, there is hereby established an annual fee to be used for the regulation of such operations and to cover the cost of the inspection and enforcement of past, present and future regulations within the Village. The amount of such fee shall be as determined by Council. The fee is due and payable in the first year operation within ten days after a conditional zoning certificate has been granted. Thereafter, the fee is due and payable each and every anniversary date of the issuance if the conditional zoning certificate for such wells, in successive years and during the life of the well and until such well is properly plugged in accordance with the applicable State and local regulations. The failure to pay the fee as set forth in this subsection shall be grounds for revocation of the conditional zoning certificate for such well drilling operations.
(Ord. 25-2011. Passed 9-20-11.)