This Chapter regulates the continuance, maintenance, repair, restoring, moving, and discontinuance of nonconforming buildings, land, and uses are hereby established in order to achieve among others, the following purposes:
(a) To permit the continuance of nonconformity but with control so as to minimize any adverse effect on the adjoining properties and development;
(b) To regulate nonconforming building maintenance, repair and extension;
(c) To restrict the reconstruction of a nonconforming building if such building is substantially destroyed;
(d) To require the permanent discontinuance of nonconforming buildings, land and uses if the same are not operated for specified periods;
(e) To require conformity if nonconforming buildings, land and uses are discontinued and to bring about eventual conformity in accordance with the requirements of the Zoning Code of the Village; and
(f) To permit the expansion of nonconforming buildings provided the expansion does not encroach any further into the required yard than what currently exists.
(Ord. 13-2019. Passed 7-2-19.)