All applications for a zoning amendment shall include:
      (a)    Evidence that the existing Zoning Code is unreasonable with respect to the particular property, and deprives the property owner of his or her lawful and reasonable use of the land. For the purposes of this Zoning Code, a limitation upon the financial gain from the land in question shall not constitute unreasonable zoning;
      (b)    Evidence that the proposed amendment would materialize in an equal or better Zoning Code than that existing;
      (c)    An application fee to cover the cost of publishing and posting, mailing the notices of hearings and other expenses incident thereto shall be determined by Council. Such fee shall not apply to any amendment initiated by Council or the Commission;
      (d)    Proof of ownership of the parcel, or parcels, of property sought to be rezoned;
      (e)    A legal description of the parcel, or parcels, of property with a drawing to scale;
     (f)    A description of the proposed use of the property, as rezoned, either written, drawn or both;
      (g)    A list of names and addresses of the owners of all properties lying within 1,000 feet to the parcel, or parcels, the zoning of which would be changed by the proposed amendment. Said names and addresses shall be placed on two sets of gummed labels. The applicant shall use the Summit County Auditor's current records for these names and addresses.
      (Ord. 25-2011. Passed 9-20-11.)