The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the following:
   (a)   Persons who solicit only the purchase of or subscription for newspapers having their principal sale or distribution in the Municipality;
   (b)   The manufacturer of any article manufactured by him within the Municipality who, by himself or his agent, peddles or vends any such article or product;
   (c)   Any person who, by State or Federal law or constitutional provision, has been exempted from obtaining a license;
   (d)   Any sale under the order of a court or at a bona fide auction;
   (e)   Any sale at wholesale to a retail dealer;
   (f)   Four or more itinerant vendors associated together in an enterprise such as a "flea market," "farmers market," "craft show," "stamp or coin collectors", "bourse," trade show, or the like.
   (g)   Any fraternal, civic, service or school organization conducting an occasional sale, market or other fund-raising enterprise for charitable or civic purposes such as the Girls Scouts or Kiwanis Club; or
   (h)   Any person representing a political candidate, party or ballot issue; or
   (i)   Any local religious group or representative thereof offering or soliciting orders for periodicals, tracts or publications of such religious group.
      (Ord. 6-2008. Passed 5-6-08.)