(a)   The National Fire Prevention Code along with the rules promulgated by the American Insurance Association are hereby modified and amended by the enactment of this chapter.
   (b)   Air testing of tanks with product inside is prohibited. The piping systems shall be air tested to withstand at least 150% of its anticipated pressures or 100 pounds PSI whichever is greater. If such testing reveals that any leaking conditions exist, the permit shall be revoked, and the Fire Chief shall order the owner or operator from using such tanks or piping until the leaking condition is corrected. In the case where a dual occupancy may exist and there exists a leaking condition, all occupancies on the property shall cease operations until the conditions are corrected and tested. A statement of the tests validity shall be received by the Village of Richfield before reoccupying businesses. There shall not exist any hazardous or dangerous condition to persons or property.
   (c)   Daily inventory records for the underground storage of flammable and combustible liquids are mandatory and shall be maintained for every underground storage tank within the Village.
      (1)   The procedures for inventory control are as follows:
         A.   The inventory referred to shall be based on the actual measurement of tank liquid levels daily. The written record of such testing shall include a computation of daily gain or loss. The operator of the location shall be responsible for taking action to correct any abnormal loss or gain not explainable by spillage, temperature variations or other causes. Such abnormal loss or gain shall be reported promptly by the operator to the Village.
         B.   The mere recording of pump meter readings combined with inshipment records shall not constitute adequate inventory records for the purpose of this rule.
         C.   Exemptions. The requirements for daily inventory records shall not apply in the following situations:
            1.   Daily inventories are not required to be maintained when an installation is not in operation, except that during such a period when an installation is not in operation an inventory must be taken at least once every seven days.
      (2)   The following actions shall be taken by the operator daily:
         A.   The operator shall record all meter totalizer readings, immediately gauge and record all tank measurements and balance inventory and product transferred.
         B.   The operator shall record and make adjustments for all transfers of products occurring during gauging period.
         C.   The operator shall retain all of the aforementioned records.
         D.   The operator shall check all tanks for water. Experience will indicate whether daily checks are required or if they can be made less frequently. In any circumstances, the check for water shall be made at least once a week. Tanks should be checked for water after a thaw and after a delivery.
   (d)   In the event of unexplained inventory discrepancies and reasonable certainty that a leak exists, or if the daily inventory records are not maintained, the Village may require the procedures for locating and testing underground leaks and pipe test as presented in N.F.P.A. No. 329 and Sections 1301.7-7-28(A), (E), (I), (J) and (K) of the Ohio Administrative Code [Article 28 of the Ohio Fire Code] which codes and later amendments thereto are adopted herein by reference pursuant to Ohio R.C. 731.231.
(Ord. 21-1989. Passed 6-6-89.)