The Director of Public Service shall be the head of the Department of Public Service and shall:
1. Manage, conduct and supervise all operations of the municipally-owned utilities;
2. Make investigations of the municipally-owned utilities and make recommendations to the Mayor concerning all charges and rates to be made for services rendered and all extensions and curtailments of service;
3. Make investigations and recommendations to the Mayor concerning all new construction, maintenance and replacement of existing facilities and equipment, and planning of future operations of the municipally-owned utilities;
4. Be responsible for the construction, improvement, inspection, repair, maintenance and operation of all public works, utilities, improvements, buildings, parks, cemeteries, playgrounds and public places, except as otherwise provided in this Charter;
5. Make investigations and recommendations to the Mayor concerning bids for public contracts;
6. Be responsible for the collection and disposal of refuse as may be prescribed by Council;
7. Act as the purchasing agent for the Municipality and have such powers and duties in connection therewith as may be prescribed by Council;
8. Perform such other duties, consistent with the Director’s office, as may be required by this Charter, by ordinance or resolution of Council or as directed by the Mayor.
(Res. 65-2021. Passed 7-6-21.)