Vitrified clay pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM C-13 specifications for standard strength vitrified clay pipe. Under walks, driveways, streets, roads or structures, and where required due to depth of the trench, extra-strength vitrified pipe ASTM C-200 shall be furnished. All joints shall conform to ASTM C-425 Type 1 specifications, premium joint or equivalent, and shall be made in all cases with plastic castings in bell and on spigot, factory applied. Elastomeric materials shall be neoprene or polyvinyl chloride, and tested in accordance with ASTM D-543 for resistance to chemical reagents, or ASTM C-425 for materials with resilient properties. Connections between vitrified pipe and cast iron pipe shall be made with a rubber donut gasket.
(Ord. 86-1968. Passed 12-3-68.)