The following procedure is hereby established for the elimination of ditches:
   (a)   Interested persons shall apply to the Director of Public Service for a permit for such construction and elimination, and the standards for such application and issuance of permit shall be in accordance with Chapter 903 ; however, labor necessary for such construction and elimination shall be furnished by the Village. All other costs and expenses shall be paid the applicant or interested person and to secure the same, each person shall deposit with the Director the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each application. If the cost and expense exceed the deposit, the person shall be billed therefor; otherwise, the unexpended sum shall be refunded to such person.
   (b)   The Director of Public Service shall supervise all operations for which a permit is granted hereunder, and in addition thereto shall determine pipe size and material necessary and appropriate for such construction and elimination.
      (Ord. 45-2003. Passed 6-3-03.)