(a)    Whoever desires to construct a new sidewalk on public property within the confines of the Village, shall first apply to the Director of Public Service for a permit which shall be issued without cost.
   (b)    The following are the specifications of construction and materials for sidewalks and are required of sidewalks to be constructed:
      (1)    Excavation; grade; width. Excavation shall be made to a uniform depth of four inches below the finished grade of the sidewalks except at driveways where the depth shall be six inches for ten feet of length. Sidewalk grade shall be determined and approved by the Village. All sidewalks shall be five feet wide; exceptions considered.
      (2)    Embankment. Where the existing ground is below the new sidewalk grade any sod within the proposed sidewalk construction shall be removed. The material required to bring the finished surface to grade shall be earth, sand and gravel excavated from other areas or bank run sand and gravel approved by the Village. Embankment shall be compacted by means of a small roller, air tamping or hand tamping to ninety-five percent of the materials maximum laboratory dry weight. Embankment material which does not contain sufficient moisture to compact to a maximum density shall be sprinkled with water and material containing excessive moisture shall be permitted to dry to proper moisture content before compacting.
      (3)    Forms. The sidewalk shall be constructed between wood or metal forms and the height shall be equal to the thickness of the walks except at driveways. Forms shall be securely set with the upper side conforming to the line and grade as designed by the Village. Forms shall be cleaned and oiled after each use and flexible forms shall be used for curves. Forms shall be set so the walk will have a uniform cross slope of three-eighths inch per foot with the low side toward the street center line.
All covers pertaining to shut-off boxes, manhole frames and other similar fixtures shall be adjusted to grade of the complete walk prior to placing the concrete. All forms shall be inspected by the Village before any concrete is placed.
      (4)    Joints. Contraction joints one-eighth inch in thickness shall be used to divide the walk for its full width by using a double-edge edging tool every five feet. An expansion joint one-half inch in width shall be provided for the entire width and thickness of the concrete for every fifty feet of length and where the walk abuts driveways, steps, curb, manholes, catch basins or building foundations.
      (5)    Material. Concrete for sidewalks and driveways shall be Portland cement conforming to the State Department of Highways Construction and Materials Specifications, January 1, 1967, Item 499, Class "C'' limestone or slag, no gravel aggregate permitted. Expansion joint material shall be one-half inch premolded bituminous strip of full concrete depth.
      (6)    Placing and finishing. No concrete shall be placed as sidewalk when the temperature of the air or ground is below forty degrees Fahrenheit. The subgrade shall be adequately moistened prior to placing the concrete and the concrete shall be deposited and compacted in a single layer; it shall be struck off with a templet and smoothed with a float to obtain a sandy texture. All four top edges of each sidewalk block shall be rounded to a one-fourth inch radius with a suitable edging tool.
      (7)    Curing and protection. As soon as the concrete has hardened sufficient to prevent its being marked, it shall be covered with wet burlap or a polyethylene sheet. The burlap cover shall be kept continuously wet for a period of seventy-two hours for sidewalks and seven days for driveways. The polyethylene sheet shall be retained for the same period.
   A waterproof membrane for curing may be used immediately after the free water has disappeared from the surface. All exposed surfaces of the concrete shall be sealed by spraying thereon a uniform application of curing membrane in such manner as to provide a continuous uniform film without marring the surface of the concrete. The curing material may be applied with a hand spray at the minimum rate of one gallon for each 200 square feet of surface treated.
   Curing material shall be thoroughly agitated immediately prior to application.
      (8)    Commercial driveways. Commercial driveways shall be constructed eight inches thick with 6 x 6, 4/4 welded wire mesh reinforcing in the center of the slab.
      (9)    Director of Public Service. The Director of Public Service may order any sidewalk or driveway removed which does not comply with the above described requirements.
         (Ord. 10-1969. Passed 3-4-69.)