Permits for establishing and maintaining helistops shall be issued to the owner of the property by the Zoning Inspector after approval of the permit by the Planning Commission and after the applicant has submitted an application providing written proof that:
(a) The helistop is not within 500 feet of a residential zone or use.
(b) The helistop has been inspected and, if applicable, approved and registered or licensed by either the Division of Aviation of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for compliance with the criteria set forth in the transportation laws of Ohio, annotated with the rules and regulations of Chapter TRA1, TRA2 and TRA3 and amendments thereto and applicable federal regulations.
(c) Has received such approval and clearance from the FAA as may be required by the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR’s).
(d) Is an accessory use to a permitted principal use in the zoning district in which the helistop is to be located.
(e) The helistop shall meet the following minimum locational specifications:
(1) The landing and take-off area of every location approved or used as a helistop shall consist of a hard surfaced or grassed area with good drainage and free of dust and gravel. The dimensions of such landing and take-off area shall be at least twice the length of any helicopter using it. Such area shall be set aside exclusively for taking off and landing, shall be free of trees, wires or other obstructions and shall be enclosed by a fence at least two feet in height.
(2) Every helistop shall have at least two approach paths free and clear of obstructions extending outward and upward from the landing and take-off area at an angle of eight feet horizontally to one foot vertically, flaring to a width of 500 feet at an altitude of 500 feet. The centerline of such approach paths or planes shall be separated by an arc of at least 135 degrees. The remaining peripheral area surrounding the landing and take- off area shall be free and clear of obstructions at an angle of two feet horizontally to one foot vertically to a lateral distance of 250 feet from the landing and take-off area.
(3) No approach path shall be used and no helicopter shall be flown at an elevation of less than 500 feet over a residential building, school or other public building, and not less than 200 feet above any other building or public highway, except for the purpose of landing or taking off from an approved helistop.
(4) No fueling, repairing or maintenance of helicopters shall be performed at such helistop, except in case of emergency, and no fuel shall be stored.
(Ord. 76-2000. Passed 2-20-01.)