(a)   In the event of a violation of any provision of this Code, or imminent threat thereof, the City, or the owner of any contiguous or neighboring property who would be especially damaged by such violation, in addition to any other remedies provided by law, may institute a suit for injunction to prevent or terminate such violation. The City may file for a judgment for damages if the violation is deemed to have caused damages to the City.
   (b)   Unless otherwise provided in this Code, all zoning certificates, permits or other approvals granted by the Planning and Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission or BZBA, shall be valid for a period of one (1) year from date of approval by the BZBA or date of issue by the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
   (c)   Once a building permit is secured, a zoning certificate, permit or other approval shall be considered to expire when that building permit expires.
   (d)   Within that period, that applicant must complete the following for the proposed improvement:
      (1)   If required, submit a subsequent zoning application;
      (2)   If required, secure a building permit; and
      (3)   If no other permits are required, construct the proposed improvement.
   (e)   Any application that is incomplete or otherwise un-issued by the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall expire one (1) year from the date of application.
   (f)   One (1) additional period of six (6) months may be granted by the Planning and Zoning Administrator upon finding that unique circumstances warrant the additional time and that the conditions upon which approval was granted have not changed.
   (g)   Any person, firm or corporation who violates any regulation, provision or amendment of this Code, or fails to obey any lawful order of the Planning and Zoning Administrator, shall be fined not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each and every day during or upon which such illegal location, erection, construction, reconstruction, enlargement, change, maintenance or use occurs or continues.
(Ord. 33-2020. Passed 3-23-20; Ord. 103-2021. Passed 7-26-21.)