   For all permits excluding plumbing, a separate permit shall be required for each certified address, unless otherwise directed by the Chief Building Official.
(Ord. 60-17. Passed 6-12-17; Ord. 159-2021. Passed 12-6-21.)
   (a)   No new building, or structure shall be used or occupied, and no change of occupancy as defined in the Ohio Building Code thereof, shall be made until the Chief Building Official has issued a certificate of occupancy. This includes any new business moving into a vacant building or space, changes in existing occupancy causing increase in life and fire risk, and change of ownership in an existing occupancy.
   (b)   A separate certificate of occupancy shall be required for each certified address.
(Ord. 60-17. Passed 6-12-17; Ord. 159-2021. Passed 12-6-21; Ord. 29-2022. Passed 3-28-22.)
   (a)   A demolition permit shall be required for any work in conjunction with the demolition of any portion of an existing building or structure.
   (b)   No permit to remove or raze a building or accessory structure shall be granted until notice of the application therefore has been given to the owners of the lots adjoining the lot upon which the building or accessory structure is to be moved, and to the owners of wires or other impediments the removal of which will be necessary; not until a bond of not less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) has been filed with the Service Director to indemnify the City for damages.
(Ord. 60-17. Passed 6-12-17; Ord. 159-2021. Passed 12-6-21.)