Monies collected from the Utility Service Charges are to be utilized solely for the operations, maintenance, repair, improvement and extension of the Utility; to provide for the safe and efficient capture and conveyance of stormwater; to mitigate the damaging effects of stormwater runoff and the correction of stormwater problems; to fund activities of stormwater management, including, but not limited to, design, planning, regulation, education, coordination, inspection and enforcement activities, all for the protection of the public health, welfare, and safety.
(Ord. 32-96. Passed 2-12-96.)
Whenever used in this chapter, the meaning of the following words and terms shall be as follows:
"Abatement" means any action taken to remedy, correct, or eliminate a condition within, associated with, or impacting the stormwater system.
"Approved plans" shall mean plans approved according to a permits and plan review which will govern all improvements made within the City that require stormwater facilities or changes or alterations to existing stormwater facilities.
"City" means the City of Reynoldsburg, Ohio.
"Credit" means an on-going (as long as the various circumstances which produced the credit have not changed) reduction in a Utility Service Charge given for certain qualifying activities which reduce either the impact of increased stormwater runoff or reduces the City's costs of providing stormwater facilities.
"Detention facility" means a facility which, by means of a single control point, provides temporary storage of stormwater runoff in ponds, parking lots, depressed areas, rooftops, buried underground vaults or tanks, etc., for future release, and is used to delay and attenuate flow.
"Director" means the Director of Public Service of the City.
"Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU)" is a value, equal to 2,530 square feet of measured impervious area and is equal to the average amount of impervious area of typical residential properties within the City.
"Impervious area" means areas that have been paved and/or covered with buildings and materials which include, but are not limited to, concrete, asphalt, rooftop, blacktop, gravel and other materials or artificially composted so as to produce in the judgment of the Director a non-pervious surface.
"Mayor" means the Mayor of the City. The Mayor is the principal executive officer of the City pursuant to the City Charter Section 5.03 and shall serve as the executive officer of the storm water management utility for the purposes of fulfilling the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency's NPDES Phase II stormwater program.
"Public stormwater open channel" means all open channels which convey, in part or in whole, stormwater, and are owned operated or maintained by the City; or a stormwater open channel which has a permanent drainage/stormwater easement owned by the City and drains an area which includes City owned property or right-of-way. A public stormwater open channel does not include roadside ditches which convey only immediate right-of-way drainage.
"Residential property" means all single family properties and duplexes within the City. Such properties may incorporate a home-business or day-care service consistent with all other City ordinances and regulations and other applicable laws.
"Retention facility" means a facility which provides storage of stormwater runoff and is designed to eliminate subsequent surface discharges.
"Square footage of impervious area" means, for the purpose of assigning an appropriate number of ERUs to a parcel of real property, the square footage of all of the impervious area using the outside boundary dimensions of the impervious area to include the total enclosed square footage, without regard to topographic features of the enclosed area.
"Storm sewer" means a sewer which carries stormwater, surface runoff, street wash waters, and drainage, but which excludes sanitary sewage and industrial wastes, other than unpolluted cooling water.
"Stormwater" means stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff, surface runoff and drainage.
"Stormwater facilities" means various stormwater and drainage works that may include inlets, pipes, pumping stations, conduits, manholes, energy dissipation structures, channels, outlets, retention/detention basins and other structural components.
"Stormwater system" means all manmade facilities, structures, and natural watercourses owned by the City, or over which the City has jurisdiction by law to operate or maintain, used for collection and conducting stormwater to, through, and from drainage areas to the points of final outlet including, but not limited to, any and all of the following: conduits and appurtenant features, canals, creeks, catch basins, ditches, streams, gulches, gullies, flumes, culverts, siphons, streets, curbs, gutters, dams, floodwalls, levees, retention or detention facilities, rivers, public stormwater open channels and pumping stations.
(Ord. 32-96. Passed 2-12-96; Ord. 4-03. Passed 2-10-03.)
It is hereby determined necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare that a system of charges for Utility service be established which justly and equitably allocates the cost of providing the services of the Utility to each property.
(Ord. 32-96. Passed 2-12-96.)