(a) A secondhand dealer, prior to conducting any transaction in this City, shall apply for and obtain a license from the Safety Director and/or Chief of Police, the fee for which shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Such application shall be filed at least seven working days prior to the granting of such license. The term of any such license shall only be valid for the remaining portion of that calendar year, and shall be valid for only that one proposed location stated on the license. The fee for an application for renewal of an existing license shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00).
(b) Application for the license required by this section shall be made in writing to the Chief of Police and/or Safety Director by the owner, or an officer if the applicant is a corporation, upon forms provided by the Chief of Police and/or Safety Director. The completed application shall include the number of years the applicant has conducted this business, all the locations of this business in the previous twelve months, the home address of the principal owner and of the Manager at the proposed business location in the City and the criminal record, stated in particularity, of any person who will work at this proposed location. If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall include the names of the president, treasurer and secretary of the corporation, and their criminal records stated in particularity if any.
(c) No license shall be issued to any person who has been convicted of a felony offense, or of any theft offense as defined in Ohio R.C. 2913.01. The Mayor may revoke the license for any violation of this chapter.
(d) Each employee or worker at the proposed location in this City, prior to conducting any transaction, shall personally register his name and address with the Police Division, be fingerprinted and have his photograph taken by the Police Division. The fee for such registration will be at the current administrative cost.
(Ord. 84-81. Passed 10-12-81; Ord. 45-14. Passed 6-23-14.)
Any part or all of Section 759.06 may be waived by the Mayor for good cause shown if not adverse to the health, safety or welfare of the City.
If application for waiver is denied by the Mayor for being adverse to the health, safety or welfare of the City, the applicant may appeal the Mayor's denial to Council. Reversal of the Mayor's denial and granting a waiver requires a two-thirds vote of the entire Council.
(Ord. 84-81. Passed 10-12-81.)
This chapter shall not apply to infrequent sales which are conducted as a yard or garages sales as defined in Chapter 751, at the residence of the seller, or sales by religious or charitable organizations as defined in Section 517.01 (h) and (i) of the General Offenses Code.
(Ord. 84-81. Passed 10-12-81.)
Whoever violates any provision of this chapter or encourages another to violate any provision of this chapter, is guilty of a second degree misdemeanor, and is guilty of a first degree misdemeanor if that person has previously been convicted of any violation of this chapter. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(Ord. 84-81. Passed 10-12-81; Ord. 33-10. Passed 5-10-10.)