(a) All persons and/or companies which desire to conduct the business of painting street numbers within the corporate limits of the City shall have an FBI and BCI background check completed and apply to the Division of Police for a permit to paint house numbers on street curbs.
(b) All companies which apply for a permit to paint house numbers on street curbs shall pay an annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).
(Ord. 43-2020. Passed 6-6-20.)
(a) Whoever violates any provision of this chapter for which no penalty is otherwise provided is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(b) Whoever violates Section 741.05(A) is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree for the first offense and a misdemeanor of the third degree for any subsequent offense.
(c) Any person who provides false information in the registration described in Section 741.05 is guilty of a fourth degree misdemeanor for the first offense and a misdemeanor of the third degree for any subsequent offense.
(Ord. 43-2020. Passed 6-6-20.)