   (a)   Make studies of existing engineering data, reports, etc.
   (b)   Prepare and provide complete detailed plans for projects, including field work, specifications and estimates of cost, and provide documents consisting of advertisement, information to bidders, proposal and proposal bond forms and contract, as well as performance bond forms.
   (c)   Maintain and catalog tracings of plans, field books and field records.
   (d)   Assist at all lettings, tabulate proposals and bids, and report the same to the City officials.
   (e)   Present plans to and assist in obtaining approval of such plans from any City, county, state, or Federal Department or Agency which may have jurisdiction over development of the project.
   (f)   Review and approve contractor pay requests in conformance with the conditions of each contract.
   (g)   Perform land surveying and construction layout staking services.
   (h)   Provide project representation during construction, interpret plans and specifications to protect the City from deficient work, and act as an intermediary between the contractors and the City Administration and Council.
   (i)   Advise and make recommendations to the City on matters involving scientific testing of materials and reviewing laboratory results.
   (j)   Inspect completed work and submit final reports for acceptance of projects.
   (k)   Provide GIS related assistance to various City departments.
   (l)   Review private development site plans and public infrastructure plans for compliance with City standards.
   (m)   Prepare legal descriptions of property or easements to be acquired and assist in the acquisition of same.
   (n)   Arrange for the services of independent subcontractors to make test borings, subsurface explorations or other investigations as may be required to determine foundation conditions for streets, sewers, water mains, elevated tanks or other structures.
   (o)   Prepare and submit grant applications.
   (p)   Maintain and update annexation, zoning and street base maps.
   (q)   Assist in preparing and updating the City's Capital Improvement Plan.
   (r)   Advise and represent the City with various agencies including, but not limited to, ODOT, MORPC, OEPA and the like.
   (s)   Assist in developing the yearly street maintenance program.
   (t)   Determine when, due to scope or size of a project, that it would be advantageous to utilize the services of an engineering firm, and coordinate the transfer of any project to the same.
   (u)   Review plans and provide inspections as paid for by the public.
   (v)   As directed by the Mayor, attend all meetings of City Council, BZBA, and Planning Commission.
   (w)   Any other duties as prescribed by the Mayor or City Council.
(Ord. 13-08. Passed 3-24-08.)
   No provisions of this chapter shall be construed to limit the City's use of an engineering firm or firms for services that are specialized or outside of the scope or knowledge of the City Engineer, or are of such size that multiple personnel would be needed to complete the project in a timely manner.
(Ord. 13-08. Passed 3-24-08.)
   The Mayor may designate an Acting Director to serve in the event of a vacancy in the office or temporary absence or disability of the Director, and such Acting Director shall exercise all the powers, duties and functions of the Director.
(Ord. 13-08. Passed 3-24-08.)