(a) Creation and maintenance of a centralized employee records system under the exclusive control of the Director with exception of payroll records as maintained by the office of the City Auditor.
(b) Creation and implementation of a comprehensive set of personnel policies and procedures in compliance with all State and Federal regulations.
(c) Creation and implementation of an employee evaluation system with the approval of the Mayor and Council.
(d) Administration, coordination and monitoring of employee benefit programs.
(e) Overseer of Workers' Compensation claims.
(f) Representing the City in all labor relations matters including labor negotiations, grievance arbitrations, hearings before the Civil Service Commission and the State Employment Relations Board.
(g) Any other duties as prescribed by the Mayor or the City Council.
(Ord. 59-93. Passed 4-26-93; Ord. 115-99. Passed 9-13-99.)
The Mayor, with the approval of Council, may designate an Acting Director to serve in the event of a vacancy in the office or the temporary absence or disability of the Director, and such Acting Director shall exercise all the powers, duties and functions of the Director.
(Ord. 59-93. Passed 4-26-93; Ord. 115-99. Passed 9-13-99.)