Effective January 1, 2012 the salary for the Mayor shall be ninety-seven thousand eight hundred and two dollars ($97,802), which is the yearly amount of compensation for 2011, and shall be the yearly compensation for the Mayor until changed by City Council.
(Ord. 6-99. Passed 1-11-99; Ord. 5-03. Passed 2-10-03; Ord. 04-06. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 46-11. Passed 10-24-11.)
The Mayor shall be entitled to receive group insurance fringe benefits, including dependent coverage, as set forth and provided in Section 165.14 of the Code of Employment Provisions. Group insurance benefit changes or modifications received by full-time employees under Section 165.14 of the Code of Employment Provisions shall also be received by the Mayor.
(Ord. 28-83. Passed 3-14-83.)
The Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into mutual aid compacts with other political subdivisions. The agreements shall read in part as follows:
Be it agreed, by the parties hereto, each in consideration of mutual promises and obligations herein by the other:
Section 1. In the event of an emergency as defined in the Ohio R.C. Chapter 2744 or determined by the entity requiring assistance, each political subdivision which is a party to this compact agrees to furnish, upon request, such police and equipment services as are requested by any other political subdivision which is a party to this compact the other insofar as such services are available in the opinion of the Chief of Police, or highest ranking on duty police supervisor of the subdivision from who assistance is requested.
Section 2. In a non-emergency situation, the City of Reynoldsburg may provide police services to the City of ______ and the City of ______ may provide police services to the City of Reynoldsburg as is requested by the other insofar as such services are available. Request for non-emergency police services shall be approved by the Chief of Police on behalf of the City of Reynoldsburg and by the Chief of Police of the City of ______.
Section 3. It is agreed that there shall be no reimbursement for loss or damage to equipment or other property while engaged in activity in accordance with this agreement.
Section 4. It is further agreed that police department personnel acting outside the subdivision in which they are employed may participate in any pension or indemnity fund established by their employer to the same extent as while acting within the employing subdivision. Those personnel shall be entitled to all the rights and benefits of Ohio R.C. Chapter 4123, to the same extent as while performing services within the subdivision in which they are employed.
Section 5. It is further agreed that the consideration herein is derived from the mutual benefit to each of the parties in increased police services, and that no charge shall be made for services rendered by any political subdivision under the provisions of this agreement.
Section 6. It is further agreed that the senior police officer who is in charge of the political subdivision which requested such assistance, shall have full charge and authority over any assisting equipment and personnel responding to such request; however, at all times officers shall adhere to the policies and procedures of their own department, and shall be required to respond to lawful orders only.
Where the provided assistance involves the loan of a specialized SWAT, hostage negotiation, bomb disposal, or canine unit, the command officer of that specialized unit shall be responsible for implementation of the mission, as determined by the field commander of the requesting agency.
When taking law enforcement actions at the emergency site, including uses of force, officers from the responding agency shall utilize only those weapons and tactics that they have been trained and deemed qualified to use.
Section 7. It is further agreed that this compact shall be in effect between the parties on and after the date of execution by such parties for a period of three years and shall be automatically renewed for successive periods of three years, except any party may withdraw by giving notice of its intentions to withdraw by registered mail to the other party.
Section 8. It is further agreed that all personnel of the responding political subdivision, when responding to a call for assistance, shall be acting within the scope of their employment while en route to, en route from and while acting within the territory of the requesting political subdivision. It is further agreed that Ohio R.C. Chapter 2744, insofar as it applies to the operations of police departments, shall apply to the political subdivisions which are parties hereto and to police department personnel when they are rendering service outside their own subdivision pursuant to this agreement.
Section 9. It is mutually agreed by the parties that if a request for assistance is denied, delayed, inadequate or, if furnished assistance is not needed upon arrival, there shall be no liability, responsibility, nor cause for action for breach of this contract.
Section 10. It is mutually agreed by all parties to this compact that they will commit to the development of written implementation and operational procedures.
(Ord. 31-83. Passed 3-28-83; Ord. 76-01. Passed 6-25-01.)
(a) The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to accept cash, vehicles and other property from the common pleas courts of the State in accordance with the Contraband Seizure Forfeiture Act, Ohio R.C. 2933.43; however, any acceptance of real estate by the Mayor shall be subject to approval by ordinance of Council.
(b) The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to place all cash received into a Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund with the City Auditor to be used solely for law enforcement purposes.
(c) All vehicles and property shall be assetted or tagged to the Division of Police to be used solely for law enforcement purposes or sold and the proceeds from the sale deposited in the Fund as directed by the Chief of Police.
(Ord. 81-87. Passed 9-14-87.)
(a) The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to accept moneys obtained through mandatory fines in accordance with Ohio R.C. 2925.03.
(b) The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to place all moneys received into a Special Drug Enforcement Trust Fund with the City Auditor to be used sole!y for law enforcement efforts that pertain to drug offenses.
(Ord. 82-87. Passed 9-14-87.)