(a) There is hereby created the Department of the Budget to be headed by a Budget Director who shall be a qualified person appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Mayor, and may be removed by the Mayor, without cause.
(b) The Budget Director may be either a full or part-time official of the City, as determined by the Council by a majority vote of its members.
(c) The Budget Director shall not hold any other public office or employment that shall be incompatible with the office of Budget Director under this Charter. If the Council shall determine the office shall be full-time, the Budget Director shall not hold any other public office or public or full-time private employment; except an office in a political party or as a delegate to a political party convention, as a notary public, as a member or officer in the military reserve or national guard, to serve in any office, position, or capacity to further intergovernmental cooperation, and to hold any office or position permitted by the Charter or the laws of Ohio.
(d) The Budget Director shall have the following powers, duties and function:
(1) To serve as a non-voting member of the Treasury Investment Board.
(2) To perform short and long-term fiscal planning and to advise and report to the Mayor and Council thereon.
(3) To assist the Mayor, City Auditor and Council in the City's debt management and planning.
(4) To assist the Mayor in the preparation and submission of appropriation measures, estimates, budgets, capital programs and other financial matters.
(5) To assist the Mayor in obtaining state and federal financial assistance.
(6) To perform such other powers, duties and functions as provided by this Charter and as directed by the Mayor, provided such directives by the Mayor are consistent with this Charter and the City's ordinances and resolutions.
(e) Any vacancy in the office of Budget Director shall be filled in the manner provided by division (a) of this section. The Mayor may designate a qualified person to serve as Acting Budget Director in the event of a vacancy and until the vacancy shall be filled and in the event the Budget Director is temporarily absent or disabled. The Acting Budget Director designated pursuant to this division shall exercise the powers, duties and functions of the Budget Director while serving as Acting Budget Director.
(Amended 11-3-92.)