(a)   In order to control storm water damage and sediment pollution of water resources, wetlands, riparian areas, other natural areas, and public and private lands, the owner of each development area shall be responsible for developing a comprehensive Construction Site Conservation Plan. This plan will address storm water management (volume and peak rate of runoff), soil erosion, sediment and other wastes control. This plan must contain a description of controls appropriate for each construction operation covered by these regulations, and the operator must implement the planned controls in a timely manner. The plan and BMPs used to satisfy the conditions of these regulations shall meet the standards and specifications in the current edition of the Ohio Rain Water and Land Development manual. The plan must make use of the practices that preserve the existing natural condition to the Maximum Extent Practicable. The plan shall identify the subcontractors engaged in activities that could impact storm water runoff. The Construction Site Conservation Plan shall contain signatures from all of the identified subcontractors indicating that they have been informed and understand their roles and responsibilities in complying with the Construction Site Conservation Plan.
   (b)   If the community intends to require soil erosion, sediment and storm water management controls on construction sites that disturb less than 1 acre (43,560 square feet) the next section should be included. This section needs to be deleted if small construction sites are not to be regulated by this chapter.
   (c)   The lower limit of 8,000 square feet of disturbed land area is used in this model because at least one community in northeast Ohio has used this threshold for several years. The Community can select an alternative threshold value of its choosing not to exceed 1 acre in size.
   (d)   Development Sites Under 1 (One) Acre In Size: Individual development sites that are larger than 8,000 square feet and smaller than one (1) acre (43,560 square feet) in total size of disturbed area, can submit abbreviated soil erosion and sediment control plans with the topography plan for the requested permit(s). The abbreviated plan must cover the following items, in addition to any other items from this chapter that are required by the Community Engineer.
      (1)   Storm Water Issues: A statement as to how the increased storm water runoff that will be caused by the planned development project will be handled. This statement must identify the Best Management Practices (BMPs) the new construction project will include in order to address storm water runoff.
      (2)   Redevelopment Exemption: Owners of development sites that were created by demolishing an older existing structure can request, in writing, that the Community Engineer exempt them from the storm water issues if the total soil surface area being made impermeable is the same or less than the total soil surface area that was impermeable due to the structure(s) being torn down and removed.
      (3)   Riparian and Wetland Setbacks: All riparian and wetland setback areas will be identified in the plan and in the field before construction starts.
      (4)   Soil Erosion and Sediment Issues: A sketch of the entire development site must be submitted that identifies the location of:
         A.   All existing and planned impervious areas, storm water inlets, drainage swales, wetlands, streams, conservation easements and other natural features to be saved and protected on the property.
         B.   All existing and planned temporary and permanent conservation practices for the site. Residential lots shall include at a minimum the following:
            1.   Soil erosion and sediment control BMPs, and;
            2.   Construction Entrance, and;
            3.   Temporary Grass Seeding with 2 tons per acre of straw mulch, and;
            4.   Storm Drain Inlet Protection around every storm yard inlet on the site or accepting drainage from the site, and;
            5.   Silt Fence protection for any stream located on or close to the site and lacking an adequate vegetative buffer, and;
            6.   Silt Fence to prevent sediment discharge into street storm sewer inlets where no centralized sediment control exists for the drainage area that includes the lot, and;
            7.   Construction fence to protect any conservation easements, riparian setbacks and wetland setbacks from encroachment by construction activities.
      (5)   The schedule for the use of Temporary Seeding developed according to the Temporary Seeding Table contained in the Minimum Standards Section of this chapter must be included. The location of construction material stockpile areas, if such have been approved by the Community Engineer, with a description of the Soil Erosion and Sediment Controls to be maintained on the stockpile area prior to, during, and after the area is used for stockpiling.
   (e)   Development Sites 1 (One) Acre In Size or Larger: All developments that have a larger common plan of development or sale equal to or larger than one (1) acre in size of disturbed area are subject to this chapter and shall follow all of the requirements set forth in this chapter.
      (1)   Description of the Plan of Construction: The following information shall be included in the Construction Site Conservation Plan:
         A.   Site Description:
            1.   A description of the prior land uses of the site.
            2.   A description of the nature and type of construction activity (e.g., low density residential, shopping mall, highway, etc.).
            3.   A description of the total area of the site and the area of the site that is expected to be disturbed (i.e., grubbing, clearing, excavating, filling or grading, including off-site borrow, fill or spoil areas and off-site utility installation areas).
            4.   An estimate of the impervious area and percent imperviousness created by the construction activity.
            5.   The types of soils within, or affected by, the development area, and the location of all highly erodible or unstable soils as determined by the most current edition of the soil survey of the county, by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
            6.   An onsite, detailed Soils Engineering Report if required by the Community Engineer.
            7.   The name and/or location of the immediate receiving stream or surface water(s) and the first subsequent named receiving water and the major river watersheds in which it is located.
         B.   A vicinity sketch locating:
            1.   The larger common plan of development or sale.
            2.   The development area.
            3.   All pertinent surrounding natural features within 200 feet of the development site including, but not limited to:
               a.   Water resources such as wetlands, springs, lakes, ponds, rivers and streams including intermittent streams with a defined bed and bank).
               b.   Conservation Easements.
               c.   Other sensitive natural resources.
               d.   The sensitive areas receiving runoff from the development.
            4.   All off-site borrow or spoil areas.
            5.   All off-site utility installation areas that are related to the planned project.
         C.   The existing and proposed topography shown in the appropriate contour intervals as approved by the Community Engineer (generally one-foot contours are used).
         D.   The location and description of existing and proposed drainage patterns and facilities, including any allied drainage facilities beyond the development area and the larger common plan of development or sale.
         E.   Existing and proposed watershed boundary lines, direction of flow and watershed acreage.
         F.   The person or entity responsible for continued maintenance of all vegetative and/or mechanical BMPs for both the construction and post-construction phases of the development.
         G.   Long-term maintenance requirements and schedules of all BMPs for both the construction and post-construction phases of the development.
         H.   Long-term maintenance inspection schedules.
         I.   The person or entity financially responsible for conducting the inspections of, and the maintenance of, permanent storm water conveyance and storage structures and all other conservation practices.
         J.   The method of ensuring that funding will be available to conduct the long-term maintenance and inspections of all permanent storm water, soil erosion and sediment control and water quality practices.
         K.   The location of any existing or planned riparian and/or wetland setback areas on the property.
         L.   The plan must clearly describe, for each major construction activity, the appropriate BMPs and the general timing (or sequence) during the construction process of when the measures will be implemented; and, who (which contractor) will be responsible for implementation (e.g., Contractor A will clear, grub and install perimeter controls and Contractor B will maintain perimeter controls until final stabilization; Contractor C will conduct and document the scheduled inspections.)
         M.   Location and description of any storm water discharges associated with dedicated asphalt and concrete plants covered by this regulation and the Best Management Practices to address pollutants in these storm water discharges.
      (2)   Construction Site Conservation Plan Elements: the Construction Site Conservation Plan shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
         A.   The Construction Site Conservation Plan shall include a map showing the location of:
            1.   The limits of earth disturbing activity including excavations, filling, grading or clearing.
            2.   Drainage patterns during major phases of construction.
            3.   The location of each proposed soil erosion and sediment control BMP, including:
               a.   Permanent soil erosion control practices to be left in place after construction operations have been completed (e.g. level spreaders, permanent erosion control matting, gabions, rock lined channels, etc.),
               b.   Areas likely to require temporary stabilization during the course of site development.
      (3)   The Construction Site Conservation Plan shall include a description of the Storm Water Management (SWM) practices to be used on the site. The SWM element of the Plan shall include, at a minimum, the following:
         A.   A map showing the location, drawn to scale, of permanent SWM conveyance, detention and retention structures, other SWM control structures and the SWM easements.
         B.   A general description of the SWM strategy proposed to meet this chapter.
         C.   Design calculations for all permanent SWM conveyance, detention and retention structures, and other SWM control structures.
         D.   Any other SWM related items required by the Community Engineer. (Ord. 13-2013. Passed 3-12-13.)