(a)    Unpaid personal leaves of absence for a period of up to six months may be requested by full time regular employees; generally, only employees who have completed five years or more continuous service will be granted unpaid personal leave. You must request personal leaves in writing to the Chief of Police at least two weeks prior to the time you wish such leave to commence. If the personal leave request is necessitated by an emergency, you or a member of your immediate family must notify the Chief as soon as practicable; this should be followed up with a written explanation of the nature of the leave and the expected length of your absence. In such emergency situations, the written explanation must normally be submitted within three days of the beginning of your leave.
   (b)    Personal leave may be granted for justifiable reasons (e.g., child care or to care for an ill family member) at the Police Chief’s discretion, provided the leave does not seriously disrupt Department operations. Personal leaves are generally not granted until all accrued unused vacation and personal days have been exhausted.
   (c)    Seniority does not continue to grow, and vacation and sick leave accrual stops, during an unpaid personal leave of absence. All City group health benefits (e.g., hospitalization and major medical insurance) will cease ten working days after the commencement of the personal leave of absence. At the end of this ten day period, you may elect (under the provisions of COBRA) to continue your medical coverage for an additional period by paying one hundred percent (100%) of the City’s group rate premium yourself. Contact the Human Resources Committee for further information.
   (d)    Reinstatement cannot be guaranteed to employees returning from personal leave. However, the City endeavors to place employees returning from personal leave in their former positions or positions comparable in status and pay, subject to budgetary restrictions, the City’s need to fill vacancies, and the ability of the City to find qualified temporary replacements.
   (e)    If an employee does not return to work by the expiration date of leave, or does not obtain permission in advance through the Chief to extend the leave, the City will consider him/her to have resigned.
(Ord. 6-2003. Passed 4-22-03.)