(a)   There shall be at least eleven paid holidays per year, such dates to be determined by the Mayor prior to January 1, for holidays in the coming year. For purposes of this section, holidays shall be observed by the Police Department on the actual date of the holiday.
(Ord. 6-2015. Passed 1-27-15.)
   (b)   When a full time employee’s regular work schedule requires the employee to work on a holiday, the employee shall be paid at the standard overtime rate of 1.5 times their regular rate of pay and shall be granted an alternate eight (8) hours, or other number of hours actually worked, of holiday time.
(Ord. 11-2015. Passed 2-24-15.)
   (c)   When a part-time employee’s work schedule requires the employee to work on a holiday, the employee shall be paid two (2) times their regular rate of pay.
(Ord. 6-2015. Passed 1-27-15.)
   (d)    If an employee is absent on the scheduled working day preceding or following a scheduled holiday, unless the same be a vacation or personal day of absence, the employee will not be paid for the holiday. However, if an employee is absent from work on the day preceding or following a holiday due to a job related accident or an illness substantiated by medical proof satisfactory to the Chief, such employee shall not lose the holiday pay herein granted. It is the declared intention hereof, to encourage the reduction of sick leave surrounding holidays and the faithful performance of duty to the City without unduly penalizing or unjustly enriching any employee in the Department.
(Ord. 6-2003. Passed 4-22-03.)