All vacant structures and properties (residential and commercial) within the City shall comply with the following requirements:
   (a)    All exterior doors and windows shall be kept in sound working condition free of broken glass.
   (b)    All exterior doors shall be equipped with a workable lock or locking device and shall be kept securely locked during the period of time said building is vacant.
   (c)    All windows shall be secured by latch, lock or other means so as to prevent easy entry into such structure by children, vagrants or unauthorized persons.
   (d)    All exterior walls and roofs shall be kept in good repair and free of holes, cracks, defective materials and structural deterioration so as to keep such building from becoming a breeding place for rodents, roaches and disease carrying insects.
   (e)    The exterior of said building and the premises thereon shall be kept free of any accumulation of flammable or combustible rubbish or waste materials or sufficient quantity to constitute a danger to said building or any other building or premises in the event that such materials shall become ignited.
   (f)    The exterior of the premises shall be kept free of weeds and/or grass in excess of 8 inches, any accumulation of trash, garbage, rubbish or any waste material of such quantity as to constitute an unsanitary condition.
   (g)    Any existing fence shall be maintained in good repair with gates locked at all times. (Ord. 14-2012. Passed 5-22-12.)