The Board shall be an advisory and recommending body to the Administration and to the Council. Copies of the Board’s minutes, reports and recommendations shall regularly be filed with the Clerk of Council and with the Mayor. The powers and duties of the Board are to be general in nature, and shall not be final, determinative or of legislative effect. The Mayor and department heads shall furnish advice and assistance to the Board, upon request to the Mayor. The Board’s duties shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) A review of all contracts, agreements, facilities and services jointly used between the City of Reminderville and one or more separate municipalities and/or public bodies.
(b) The development and recommendations for the improvement of relationships among the City of Reminderville and other municipal bodies.
(c) A review of recommendations or services proposed by City Departments that directly involve or affect other municipal bodies.
(d) Any other duties or tasks specifically referred to the Board by the City Council.
(Ord. 18-2010. Passed 6-8-10.)