Section 22.02 Departments, Offices, Boards, Commissions, and Committees.
   (1)   Transition - Duties and Terms. If a department, office, board, commission or committee has its powers and duties or length of term changed when the Charter takes effect, the current powers, duties and term will continue until other provisions have been made, subject to the provisions of this Charter, and ordinances and regulations enacted pursuant to this Charter.
   (2)   Continuance of Present Board, Commission, and Committee Members. All existing Boards, Commissions, and Committees shall remain in their current term and shall continue pursuant to the ordinances and resolutions creating them until the taking effect of some specific provision under this Charter.
   (3)   Property and Records. All property, records and equipment of any department, office, board, commission or committee in existence when this Charter becomes effective shall be transferred to any department, office, board, commission, or committee that assumes its powers and duties as provided herein, but, in the event that the powers or duties are to be discontinued or divided between such entities or in the event that any conflict arises regarding any such transfer, such property, records or equipment shall be transferred to the department, office or agency designated by the Council in accordance with this Charter.