133.02 DUTIES.
   (a)   The City Administrator, under the general supervision and control of the Mayor, shall manage, control, and conduct the water department, furnish supplies of water and collect consumer rents, and make contracts. The Administrator shall also be authorized to purchase supplies and materials, and provide labor for any work under his supervision, without the need for bids for any work or contracts involving not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
   (b)   The City Administrator is authorized to enact By-Laws and regulations as the Administrator deems necessary for the safe, economical, and efficient management and protection of the waterworks and plants under his supervision and control. Such By-Laws and regulations, when not repugnant to Municipal ordinances and resolutions of the State of Ohio, shall have the same validity as ordinances.
   (c)   The City Administrator shall appoint officers, employees, agents, clerks and assistants, provided such positions are authorized by the legislative authority of the City. Such appointments shall be subject to written approval of the Mayor and shall be filed with the City Clerk.
(Ord. 2-1992. Passed 2-25-92.)