(a)   No person shall violate or cause or knowingly permit to be violated any of the provisions of this regulation, or fail to comply with any of such provisions or with any lawful requirements of any public authority made pursuant to this regulation, or knowingly use or cause or permit the use of any lands in violation of this regulation or in violation of any permit granted under this regulation.
   (b)   If it appears that a violation of any of these Rules has occurred, the owner and developer will be notified of deficiencies or non-compliance in writing by mail.If within 21 days after receipt of the letter, the owner or developer has not rectified the deficiency or received approval of plans for its correction, the deficiency or non-compliance shall be reported to the City of Reminderville Police Department for immediate enforcement of these regulations. City of Reminderville inspections do not relinquish the responsibility of the owner to comply with Ohio EPA NPDES inspection requirements.
   (c)   Upon notice, the City Engineer may suspend any active soil disturbing activity and may require immediate erosion and sediment control measures whenever he or she determines that such activity is not meeting the intent of this regulation. Such notice shall be in writing, shall be given to the applicant, and shall state the conditions under which work may be resumed. In instances, however, where the City Engineer and/or designee finds that immediate action is necessary for public safety or the public interest, he or she may require that work be stopped upon verbal order pending issuance of the written notice.
   (d)   The City of Reminderville Planning Commission reserves the right to deny the issuance of any further plat approvals for the property in question until the site is brought into compliance with these regulations.
   (e)   The City of Reminderville reserves the right to suspend the issuance of zoning certificates within developments that not in compliance with these regulations.
   (f)   The City of Reminderville Department of Building Standards reserves the right to suspend the issuance of occupancy certificates within developments that are not in compliance with these regulations.
   (g)   The City Engineer reserves the right to suspend the inspection of site improvements and refuse the release of bonds on developments that are not in compliance with these regulations.
(Ord. 2-2007. Passed 3-13-07.)