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1.   Use of Existing Lots for Residential Purposes. In any R-1 or R-2 Zoning District, a single-family or two-family dwelling may be constructed, remodeled, or reconstructed on any lot of official record as of June 6, 1977, irrespective of its area, provided that the following minimum requirements shall apply. All other applicable zoning regulations shall apply to such lots and buildings.
   A.   Lot Width: The lot of record has a width of not less than 50 feet.
   B.   Front Yard: The average setback of the nearest adjacent buildings, fronting on the same street, shall be used, but in no case shall it be less than 18 feet.
   C.   Street Side Yard: 15 feet, minimum.
   D.   Interior Side Yards: five feet, minimum.
   E.   Rear Yard: 25 feet, minimum
   F.   Accessory Buildings and structures: three feet, minimum, in interior side yard or rear yard only.
2.   Structures Permitted Above the Height Limit. The building height limitations of this chapter shall be modified as follows:
   A.   Chimneys, steeples, cooling towers, cell towers, small wind energy conversion systems, elevator bulk-heads, fire towers, monuments, stacks, stage towers, or scenery lofts, tanks, water towers, ornamental towers and spires, radio or television towers, or necessary mechanical appurtenances may be erected to a height in accordance with a special use permit subject to the provisions contained herein and elsewhere within this City Code and further provided that a fall zone setback equal to 150 percent of the total system height has been met unless said fall zone setback requirement has been waived by City Council.
3.   Division of a Duplex lot into two lots for separate ownership. Lots containing a duplex or two-family dwelling are permitted to be subdivided, subject to the following:
   A.   The lot or parcel being divided must originally conform to all R-2 requirements for two-family lots.
   B.   Following division, each new tract must conform to all R-2 requirements for two-family lots, with the exception that there shall be no setbacks on the new zero lot line that follows the common wall of the units. However, setbacks for accessory structures on the new zero lot line shall conform to the setbacks required for internal side yards.
   C.   The common wall of the building must have an approved two-hour fire wall between the units that extends from the footing to the roof.
   D.   Prior to division into two separate parcels, Restrictive and Protective Covenants shall be recorded in the Grundy County Recorder's Office providing for the property owners to be jointly responsible and liable for the maintenance and repair of the common wall and all other common elements of the dwelling including, but not limited to, utilities, sidewalks, and fences.