A.   Introduction Of Ordinances, Resolutions: All ordinances, resolutions or communications shall be in writing and have endorsed thereon the name of the person presenting the same, and shall be delivered to the village clerk to be read by him to the village board.
The style of all ordinances shall be:
The Village Board of the Village of Reedsville do ordain as follows:
   B.   Reports Of Special Committees:
      1.   The committee to which any matter shall be referred shall report thereon, at the first regular meeting after such reference, unless there is no objection by the board to further time being taken. Action on the report of a committee shall be deferred until the next regular meeting by the request of two (2) board members present. Committee reports shall be oral, except when ordered by the president that they be in writing. (Ord. 2014-1, 5-1-2014)
   C.   Roll Call Vote:
      1.   On all ordinances and resolutions, on any confirmation, and on the adoption of any measure assessing or levying taxes, appropriating or disbursing money, or creating any liability or charge against the village of any fund thereof, the vote shall be by ayes and noes.
      2.   On all other questions, it shall be in order for the president to call for the ayes and noes.
      3.   All roll call votes shall be duly recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
   D.   Members To Vote: Every member, when a question is put, shall vote unless the president shall, for special cause, excuse him; but it shall not be in order for a member to be excused after the board has commenced voting.
   E.   Publication Of Proceedings:
      1.   The proceedings of the board shall be published in the official village newspaper in such manner as the board may direct.
      2.   All ordinances shall be published in the official village newspaper within fifteen (15) days of passage, and shall take effect on the day after publication or at any other date if expressly prescribed.
      3.   All ordinances and resolutions adopted shall be signed by the president and countersigned by the clerk.
      4.   This code shall be kept current to date; and upon passage of any ordinances, the clerk shall provide for insertion of the same into this code.
   F.   Recognition For Debate: Whenever a member is to speak in debate, or deliver any matter to the board, he shall respectfully address himself to the president, and confine his remarks to the question under debate, and avoid personalities.
When two (2) or more members address the president at the same time, the president shall name the member who is first to speak.
   G.   Motions:
      1.   Discussion: No motion shall be discussed or acted upon until it has been seconded; nor shall any motion be withdrawn or amended without the consent of the person making the same and the person seconding it.
      2.   Precedence Of Motions: When a question is under consideration, no motion shall be entertained except:
         a.   To adjourn.
         b.   To lay on the table.
         c.   For the previous question.
         d.   To postpone to a certain day or time.
         e.   To commit to a standing or special committee.
         f.   To amend or to substitute.
These several motions shall take precedence in their order as they stand in this rule.
      3.   Motions Decided Without Debate: A motion to adjourn, to lay on the table and for the previous question shall be decided without debate.
      4.   Moving The Previous Question: Any member desirous of terminating the debate may call the previous question, when the question to be announced by the president shall be: "Shall the main question now be put?". Such motion shall be decided without debate. If a majority of the members present vote in the affirmative, the main question shall be taken without further debate, and its effect shall be to put an end to all debate, and bring the board to a direct vote, first upon the pending amendment, if any, and then upon the main question.
      5.   Division Of Question: Any member may call for a division of the question when the same can be separated into two (2) or more distinct propositions.
      6.   Motion For Reconsideration: It shall be in order for any member who voted in the affirmative on any question which was adopted, or for any member who voted in the negative when the number of affirmative votes was insufficient for adoption to move a reconsideration to such vote at the same or next succeeding regular meeting of the board. A motion to reconsider having been lost shall not be again in order.
   H.   Suspension Of Rules: Any of these rules may be suspended upon pending measure by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the board members present.
These rules and all amendments or additions thereto which may hereafter be made shall govern the board until altered or repealed as herein provided.
   I.   Amendment Of Rules: These rules or any part thereof may be temporarily suspended in connection with any matter under consideration by a recorded vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present.
   J.   Robert's Rules Of Order: The deliberations of the board shall be conducted in accordance with the parliamentary rules contained in "Robert's Rules Of Order, Revised", which is incorporated in this section by reference. (1968 Code § 1.02)