A.   Regular Meetings: The regular meetings of the village board shall be held in the boardroom of the village hall on the first and third Thursdays of each month at six thirty o'clock (6:30) P.M., except when that day for holding any regular meeting shall be a legal holiday, the regular meeting shall be moved to the following Thursday.
   B.   Special Meetings: Special meetings of the village board may be called by the president or by any two (2) board members filing with the village clerk, in writing, a request therefor, stating the purpose of the meeting, whereupon the village clerk shall notify all members of the village board of such special meeting and the reason therefor. No other business shall be considered or transacted at any special meeting other than that for which the special meeting was called.
   C.   Adjournments: Any regular or special meeting may be adjourned by a majority of the members present, but no adjournment shall be made to a time later than the next regular meeting.
   D.   Order Of Business: The business of the village board shall be conducted in the following order, unless temporarily suspended by unanimous vote:
      1.   Call to order by the village president.
      2.   Pledge Of Allegiance.
      3.   Roll call.
      4.   Receiving visitors, reports of maintenance and police personnel.
      5.   Reading, correction and approval of minutes of the previous meeting.
      6.   Consideration of bills, treasurer report.
      7.   President's report.
      8.   Departments' report.
      9.   Unfinished business from previous meetings.
      10.   Adjournment. (Ord. 2014-1, 5-1-2014)