A property owner or owners of contiguous parcels may apply for a parcel merger by submitting an application in a form provided by the city. The proposed parcel merger shall meet all of the following requirements:
A. The merger does not affect any fees, grants, easements, agreements, conditions, dedications, offers to dedicate or security provided in connection with any approvals of divisions of real property or lot line adjustments; and
B. The boundaries of the parcels to be merged are well defined in existing recorded documents or filed maps and were legally created or have certificates of compliance issued on them; and
C. The merger will not alter the exterior boundary of the parcels to be merged; and
D. The document used to effect the merger contains an accurate description of the exterior boundary on which the property is located; and
E. The parcels to be merged are both consistent with applicable general plan land use designation and policies (residential, commercial and industrial policies); and
F. The merger complies with the building and zoning requirements for the zoning district in which the parcels are located; and
G. All parties having any record title interest in the real property affected have consented to the merger upon a form and in a manner set forth in the application and approved by the city. Consent is not required from the interests that are excepted from the requirements to consent to the preparation and recordation of final maps under Government Code section 66436; and
H. All necessary fees and requirements, including a fee for recording the documents, have been provided. (Ord. 2014-002, 7-22-2014)