As required by section 66428(b) of the subdivision map act, this chapter establishes rules, regulations, and specifications for waivers of a parcel map for division of land either for lease, sale, or financing into four (4) parcels or less hereafter made within the city or as may be annexed to the city.
Waiver of the requirement to prepare and file a final parcel map otherwise required under chapter 3 of this title may be authorized if the proposed division of land satisfies all the requirements and criteria set forth in sections 11-6-2 through 11-6-4 of this chapter.
The waiver, if granted, shall apply only to the requirements for preparation, filing and approval of a final parcel map as specified in sections 11-3-13 and 11-3-14 of this title; it shall not waive any other requirements applicable under chapter 3 of this title or other provisions of this title, including, without limitation, the requirement for preparation, filing and processing a tentative parcel map. (Ord. 2000-05, 4-25-2000)